•   Thursday, 17 Oct, 2024

Is the X-rated cult 1970s movie Caligula a lost masterpiece?

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The question of whether the 1979 film Caligula is a "lost masterpiece" has gained traction with the release of its restored version, titled Caligula: The Ultimate Cut. This new cut, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, offers a fresh take on the controversial film by reassembling over 90 hours of footage that had long been thought lost. The result is a nearly three-hour version that includes previously unseen scenes, providing a different perspective on the film's original intentions​


Caligula has always been notorious for its explicit content and tumultuous production, with Bob Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse, pushing for graphic scenes that overshadowed the film's narrative ambitions. The new restoration seeks to strip away much of the pornographic elements, instead focusing on the lavish sets, costumes, and performances by a stellar cast that includes Malcolm McDowell and Helen Mirren. While it still features eroticism, it aims to present the film as more than just a sexploitation piece​

Critics have offered mixed reviews on whether this restoration can elevate Caligula to the status of a masterpiece. Some argue that while it showcases the film's ambitious design and provides context, the performances can feel overblown, and the pacing may leave viewers disengaged. Ultimately, the film is described as a fascinating spectacle that has finally received the treatment it deserves after decades of being maligned

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